Book Looking for Rain, (before Ride Share Gallery)
Casebound artist’s book, Oil-based & regular Sharpie, graphite, ballpoint pen, crayola fine point markers, & ink on mixed paper (includes handmade abaca, kozo, cotton, flax) and yupo
6”x 6” (6” x 12” expanded)
Book Looking for Rain is designed and fabricated by Amanda Maciuba using traditional, production handmade bookbinding techniques and materials. It features images drawn with a mix of oil-based and water-based media. The images consist of tally marks (meant to represent the passage of time), roadside fences, headlines from the App, roadways, and the path of three rivers, The Columbia, Iowa and Connecticut.
This image (and the 12 or so following) shows the book before it was affixed to the from bumper of Kyle Peet's van in June of 2022 as a participant in the Ride Share Gallery.